Sunday, June 26, 2011

Yummy edible playdoh! (Chocolate and Peanut Butter)

Sorry about the delay on post. Been distracted by homework and entertaining the clone! I have a few things we have done recently, but today I am going to post the most recent! It has been the most fun and delicious thing we have done so far! This past weekend we had my fiance's step-son over, so I decided to whip out this recipe. Its delicious and entertaining! He sat there for two hours playing with it and eating it! Sorry about the lack of pictures, next time it is made I will remember to get some!

Edible Chocolate Playdoh
3 cups Powdered Sugar
3/4 cups Powdered Milk
6 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
1.2 stick of butter
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 tsp flavoring 
flour (for kneading)

Step 1: Mix powdered sugar, cocoa powder, and dry milk in medium bowl. Set aside

Step 2: Combine corn syrup, butter, and flavoring in large mixing bowl. Beat on low speed until creamy and well combined.

Step 3: Slowly add dry mix to wet mix.

Step 4: Knead dough on well powdered surface.

Refrigerate in sealed bag or container for up to a week!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Baking Cookies and Dying Noodles!

Today was a good day. The clone was pretty good at listening and didn't really throw any fits, which in my book that is a triumph any day! Finally decided to begin getting rid of the boxes of cookie dough mix I bought several months ago and allowed Mikea to make the cookies "all by herself!" She was quite fond of this task, sneaking bites of cookie dough every time I turned my back. After I put the cookies in the oven I figured I would need something to keep her occupied while we had to wait that horrendous wait while the cookies baked. She decided she wanted to continue watching "The Mask" though and I ended up doing this project all by myself. I have found a couple of recipes to dye noodles, and from what I have found this one seems to be the best, but I will be trying out the rest! These noodles are a great idea for kids crafts! They can be used to create anything! Also, they are safe to eat. Which makes them a great idea for a fun meal! The use I see this batch of particular noodles getting is to be part of the many masterpieces of Mikea! I'll be sure to post some pictures of those. What do you plan on doing with them?

How to Dye Noodles
What you will need: Dry noodles (Try various shapes!)
                               White Vinegar (About 1 tsp for each bag)
                                Baggies (One for each color)
                                Food Coloring

Step 1: Add 1 tsp or less (less is more) of vinegar to a baggie of dry noodles

Step 2: Squeeze in four or five drops of coloring. Close bag and distribute color by rubbing. 
Step 3: Lay out on plates to air dry. (I recommend paper plates for this step)

Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect! Enjoy!

<3 Dani

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Long Summer Ahead!

    Well, we are officially on day two of summer vacation and I can already tell how the next couple of months are going to be. Today was filled with attitude, crying, and of course the forsaken "NO" being used constantly on both ends. The only thing to do for both of us to maintain our sanity is stay busy. I have found and come up with tons of crafts, activities, and baking ideas to keep my 5 year old entertained for the next 3 months. Here is where I will be sharing them all with you. I figured I am not the only parent facing this problem. There is nothing worse than an antsy 5 year old and nothing to do. Working on a small budget, all of these crafts have very inexpensive materials, and most can be found around the house. The activities vary between things that she will need my help with, stuff that I want to do too (EDIBLE PLAYDOH!), and things she can do on her own, hopefully keeping her quiet and entertained so I can stick to my regular homework schedule. So stay tuned, there are plenty of fun things coming this way!